
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Brooklyn Blues

I have a confession to make. I have a huge crush. That's always on my mind. I am completely, 100% enamored. Pure lusting. Painfully longing. For Brooklyn. No, I do not mean some emo guy with a trendy name. I am in love with the largest borough NYC has to offer. I heart Brooklyn! I have only had the chance to explore three separate areas of Brooklyn and I love each of them. But Williamsburg had my heart the moment I exited the subway onto Bedford Ave. It is like an escape from the city. A glimpse into another world. A trendy, boho, hipster sort of world. Where everybody knows your name....wait that's Cheers not Brooklyn. Anyways, I digress. It feels homey, trendy, vibrant, quaint. Oddly reminiscent of the West Coast. Who knew beanies and plaid would make me nostalgic for the hipster scene of Victoria. Want to know what the best part of all is? You can see the sky! AND stars!!! Without having to crane your neck to look directly above you. It's magical, really.

navy & white checkered button-up {Banana Republic} - tan knit sweater {Sweet Romeo via Century 21} -
dark denim skinnies {Flying Monkey via Century 21} - striped canvas flats {Report via Century 21} -
bronze beaded cuff {NYC flea market} - royal blue cuff {Aldo} - blue cluster earrings {etsy} - sunnies {Vancouver vintage shop}

What sparked this little love affair with Williamsburg, you ask? My roomies and I went there on Sunday night to watch a friend of theirs play soccer. Long story short, certain beverages consumed the previous night resulted in some misinformation being relayed. Such as the name of the field they were playing at. We did watch a lovely British men's soccer team play for about half an hour until we realized that we did not actually recognize any of the players. Yep. We were three creepy girls just chilling on the sidelines at a completely random soccer match. And this is us awkwardly getting up and walking the very long distance back to the entrance to the field.

My roomie felt badly for dragging us to Brooklyn for a nonexistent soccer game. I, however, was too busy falling in love to care. In order to stay in Brooklyn for as long as possible and keep the spark alive, I suggested going for a tea. After consulting Yelp (you never let me down), we ended up at Saint's Alp Teahouse. An amazing bubble tea and Asian restaurant. A coconut milk tea with tapioca pearls and steamed dumplings later, it was official. Williamsburg and I are forever.


1 comment:

  1. I now have a new crush... on your jeans! I love how the bottom cuff is a lighter shade than the rest of the pants. Super cute. I'm close to NY but never really explored Brooklyn...I have walked over the bridge though which was a fun day!


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