I have officially entered Winter. No more palm trees. No more sun. Well, for the next two and a half weeks anyways. As much as I love being home for the holidays, I am beyond excited to be spending Christmas in Hawaii with my family. It is going to take some getting used to though, this posing in the snow business. I tried to be a trooper throughout the photos. After all, I was making my Mom stand outside in the cold too! The last pic shows how I really felt though.
Some things I realized yesterday:
~ I do not have a lot of patience when Blogger behaves badly (I attempted to post this last
night but I couldn't attach any photos).
~ I still have an unhealthy obsession with my Microsoft Publisher trial (forcing you nice
people to have to look at my mug 7x as much as you probably would like).
~ I need to start thinking about indoor photo shoots (Boo!).
~ I have a lot of stuff (see photo below) and I'm still waiting on 9 more boxes (boxes filled
only with clothes).
~ I packed all of my pants, except for these red skinnies and a pair of bright blue skinnies,
in the boxes that are not here yet (good work).
And perhaps the most important thing I realized yesterday:
~ Colored denim does not go with everything (ahem....red pants + green jacket = not a
good look).
navajo sweater {Forever 21} - ivory blouse {Loft} - red skinnies (aka hot pants) {Forever 21} -
brown booties {Kelly & Katie via DSW}
By the way - this is an entire Palm Springs purchased outfit. Here's to fireplaces, mugs of hot tea and my down comforter!